I want to integrate a zoom slider for a QGraphicsView
. I use QGraphicsView::scale()
for zoomig.
Here is my code:
void MainWindow::on_sld_zoom_valueChanged(int value)
double scaleFactor;
scaleFactor = pow(1.1,((value - 100) / 100.0));
My min slider value is 1, max is 200 and when value is 100, my scaleFactor is 1 according to my function.But if scaleFactor is bigger than 1, slider always zooming in. For example, when I change value from 150 to 149, it should be zoom out but it doesn't because zoom factor is bigger than 1.
How can I solve this problem?
is relative action.
Below is my on_ZoomSliderValueChanged(int value)
that scales QGraphicsView to acording to current slider position.
Hope it will help you (you will probably want to recalculate newScale
according to your desired curve):
void PictureWindow::on_ZoomSliderValueChanged(int value)
qreal newScale = qPow(m_pPimpl->m_ZoomFactor, value);
QMatrix matrix;
matrix.scale(newScale, newScale);