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Equality between frozensets


>>> tuple((1, 2)) == tuple((2, 1))
>>> frozenset((1, 2)) == frozenset((2, 1))

Frozen sets are immutable. I would expect that equality between immutable objects should by determined by order, but here obviously that is not the case.

How can I discard frozensets with same elements and different order, without casting to different type?


  • The short answer is you can't, since as pointed out in the comments, sets and frozensets are unordered data structures. Here are some excerpts from the docs* to support this statement:

    A set object is an unordered collection of distinct hashable objects.

    There are currently two built-in set types, set and frozenset. The set type is mutable — the contents can be changed using methods like add() and remove(). Since it is mutable, it has no hash value and cannot be used as either a dictionary key or as an element of another set. The frozenset type is immutable and hashable — its contents cannot be altered after it is created; it can therefore be used as a dictionary key or as an element of another set.

    * Python 2.7.12

    For a better grasp of the equality issue, I would encourage you to run the following snippet using the Online Python Tutor:

    tup_1 = tuple((1, 2))
    tup_2 = tuple((2, 1))
    fs_1 = frozenset((1, 2))
    fs_2 = frozenset((2, 1))

    This is an extremely handy tool that renders a graphical representation of the objects in memory while the code is executed step by step. I'm attaching a screenshot:

    enter image description here