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PyPolars, conditional join on two columns

How should one join two pl.LazyFrame using two columns from each pl.LazyFrame based on content in the columns of the left pl.LazyFrame ?

import polars as pl

lf1 = pl.LazyFrame(
        "col_1": ["a", "b", "c"],
        "col_2": ["d", None, None],
        "col_3": [None, "e", None],

lf2 = pl.LazyFrame(
        "col_a": ["d", "xyz"],
        "col_b": ["xyz", "e"],
        "col_c": ["relevant_info_1", "relevant_info_2"],

Pseudo-code of desired join :

  when(col("col_2").is_not_null().then(left_on="col_2", right_on="col_a")
  when(col("col_3").is_not_null().then(left_on="col_3", right_on="col_b")

Expected result :

shape: (3, 4)
│ col_1 ┆ col_2 ┆ col_3 ┆ col_c           │
│ ---   ┆ ---   ┆ ---   ┆ ---             │
│ str   ┆ str   ┆ str   ┆ str             │
│ a     ┆ d     ┆ null  ┆ relevant_info_1 │
│ b     ┆ null  ┆ e     ┆ relevant_info_2 │
│ c     ┆ null  ┆ null  ┆ null            │


  • One way to do it is to first make the two joins inner separately. Then we can filter LF1 to select only rows with col_2 and col_3 being both None. Finally, we can concatenate the three pl.LazyFrame to obtain final result.

    That solution uses only 2 joins instead of 3 for the solution provided by @robertdj. Thus might explain the faster execution of following foo1().

    import polars as pl
    LF1 = pl.LazyFrame(
            "col_1": ["a", "b", "c"],
            "col_2": ["d", None, None],
            "col_3": [None, "e", None],
    LF2 = pl.LazyFrame(
            "col_a": ["d", "xyz"],
            "col_b": ["xyz", "e"],
            "col_c": ["relevant_info_1", "relevant_info_2"],
    def foo1() -> pl.DataFrame:
        lf_joined_on_col_2 = (
            LF1.join(other=LF2, left_on=["col_2"], right_on=["col_a"])
            .select("col_1", "col_2", "col_3", "col_c")
        lf_joined_on_col_3 = (
            LF1.join(other=LF2, left_on=["col_3"], right_on=["col_b"])
            .select("col_1", "col_2", "col_3", "col_c")
        lf_rows_with_null_on_col_2_and_col_3 = LF1.filter(
            pl.col("col_2").is_null() & pl.col("col_3").is_null()
        return pl.concat(
            [lf_joined_on_col_2, lf_joined_on_col_3, lf_rows_with_null_on_col_2_and_col_3]
    def foo2() -> pl.DataFrame:
        lf_joined_on_col_2 = LF1.join(
            other=LF2, left_on=["col_2"], right_on=["col_a"], how="left"
        lf_joined_on_col_3 = LF1.join(
            other=LF2, left_on=["col_3"], right_on=["col_b"], how="left"
        return (
      "col_1", "col_c"), on=["col_1"]
            .with_columns(pl.coalesce("col_c", "col_c_right").alias("col_c"))
            .select("col_1", "col_2", "col_3", "col_c")

    Solution foo2() provided by @robertdj is slightly slower than my solution foo1() :

    > python -m timeit -n 1000 -s "import test1" "test1.foo1()"
    1000 loops, best of 5: 4.76 msec per loop
    > python -m timeit -n 1000 -s "import test1" "test1.foo2()"
    1000 loops, best of 5: 6.57 msec per loop