I am trying to scrape all reviews in this website - https://www.backmarket.com/en-us/r/l/airpods/345c3c05-8a7b-4d4d-ac21-518b12a0ec17. The website says there are 753 reviews, but when I try to scrape all reviews, I get only 10 reviews. So, I am not sure how to scrape all 753 reviews from the page, Here is my code-
# importing modules
import pandas as pd
from requests import get
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# Fetch the web page
url = 'https://www.backmarket.com/en-us/r/l/airpods/345c3c05-8a7b-4d4d-ac21-518b12a0ec17'
response = get(url) # link exlcudes posts with no picures
page = response.text
# Parse the HTML content
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')
# To see different information
## reviewer's name
reviewers_name = soup.find_all('p', class_='body-1-bold')
[x.text for x in reviewers_name]
name = []
for items in reviewers_name:
name.append(items.text if items else None)
## Purchase Data
purchase_date = soup.find_all('p', class_='text-static-default-low body-2')
[x.text for x in purchase_date]
date = []
for items in purchase_date:
date.append(items.text if items else None)
## Country
country_text = soup.find_all('p', class_='text-static-default-low body-2 mt-32')
[x.text for x in country_text]
country = []
for items in country_text:
country.append(items.text if items else None)
## Reviewed Products
products_text = soup.find_all('span', class_= 'rounded-xs inline-block max-w-full truncate body-2-bold px-4 py-0 bg-static-default-mid text-static-default-hi')
[x.text for x in products_text]
products = []
for items in products_text:
products.append(items.text if items else None)
## Actual Reviews
review_text = soup.find_all('p',class_='body-1 block whitespace-pre-line')
[x.text for x in review_text]
review = []
for items in review_text:
review.append(items.text if items else None)
## Review Ratings
review_ratings_value = soup.find_all('span',class_='ml-4 mt-1 md:mt-2 body-2-bold')
[x.text for x in review_ratings_value]
review_ratings = []
for items in review_ratings_value:
review_ratings.append(items.text if items else None)
# Create the Data Frame
'reviewers_name': name,
'purchase_date': date,
'country': country,
'products': products,
'review': review,
'review_ratings': review_ratings
My question is how I can scrape all reviews.
based on your expectations, I think using the requests library and a little bit of code can fetch your desired result, here is my mindmap:
we can use this https://www.backmarket.com/reviews/product-landings/345c3c05-8a7b-4d4d-ac21-518b12a0ec17/products/reviews
API endpoint to fetch all of your expected information related to reviews. (I guess UUID in the URLs is your product ID, correct me if I'm wrong)
Note: The site has rate limit protection in so I used time.sleep(5) to minimize thread
Here is my code:
import time
import requests
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
def get_data(content):
result = content['results']
for i in result:
first_name = i['customer']['firstName']
last_name = i['customer']['lastName']
name = f"{first_name} {last_name}"
rating = i['averageRate']
review = i['comment']
date = i['createdAt']
prod = i['product']['title']
prod_img = i['product']['imageUrl']
country = i['countryCode']
print(f"reviewers_name: {name}\npurchase_date: {date}\ncountry: {country}\nproducts:-----------\nproduct_name: {prod}\nproduct_img: {prod_img}\n---------------------\nreview: {review}\nreview_ratings: {rating}\n============================")
def gather_cursor(url):
n, cursor_and_url = 1, url
while True:
response = requests.get(cursor_and_url, verify=False)
data = response.json()
cursor = data['nextCursor']
if not cursor:
cursor_and_url = f"{url}?cursor={cursor}"
Hope this will help.