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How to scrape all customer reviews?

I am trying to scrape all reviews in this website - The website says there are 753 reviews, but when I try to scrape all reviews, I get only 10 reviews. So, I am not sure how to scrape all 753 reviews from the page, Here is my code-

# importing modules 
import pandas as pd
from requests import get
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# Fetch the web page
url = ''
response = get(url) # link exlcudes posts with no picures
page = response.text

# Parse the HTML content
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')

# To see different information
## reviewer's name 

reviewers_name = soup.find_all('p', class_='body-1-bold') 
[x.text for x in reviewers_name]

name = []

for items in reviewers_name:
    name.append(items.text if items else None)

## Purchase Data 

purchase_date = soup.find_all('p', class_='text-static-default-low body-2')
[x.text for x in purchase_date]

date = []
for items in purchase_date:
    date.append(items.text if items else None)

## Country 

country_text = soup.find_all('p', class_='text-static-default-low body-2 mt-32')
[x.text for x in country_text]

country = []

for items in country_text:
    country.append(items.text if items else None)

## Reviewed Products 

products_text = soup.find_all('span', class_= 'rounded-xs inline-block max-w-full truncate body-2-bold px-4 py-0 bg-static-default-mid text-static-default-hi')
[x.text for x in products_text]

products = []

for items in products_text:
    products.append(items.text if items else None)

## Actual Reviews 

review_text = soup.find_all('p',class_='body-1 block whitespace-pre-line')
[x.text for x in review_text]

review = []

for items in review_text:
    review.append(items.text if items else None)

## Review Ratings 

review_ratings_value = soup.find_all('span',class_='ml-4 mt-1 md:mt-2 body-2-bold')
[x.text for x in review_ratings_value]

review_ratings = []

for items in review_ratings_value:
    review_ratings.append(items.text if items else None)

# Create the Data Frame 
    'reviewers_name': name,
    'purchase_date': date,
    'country': country,
    'products': products,
    'review': review,
    'review_ratings': review_ratings

My question is how I can scrape all reviews.


  • based on your expectations, I think using the requests library and a little bit of code can fetch your desired result, here is my mindmap:

    we can use this API endpoint to fetch all of your expected information related to reviews. (I guess UUID in the URLs is your product ID, correct me if I'm wrong)

    Note: The site has rate limit protection in so I used time.sleep(5) to minimize thread

    Here is my code:

    import time
    import requests
    from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
    def get_data(content):
        result = content['results']
        for i in result:
            first_name = i['customer']['firstName']
            last_name = i['customer']['lastName']
            name = f"{first_name} {last_name}"
            rating = i['averageRate']
            review = i['comment']
            date = i['createdAt']
            prod = i['product']['title']
            prod_img = i['product']['imageUrl']
            country = i['countryCode']
            print(f"reviewers_name:  {name}\npurchase_date:  {date}\ncountry:  {country}\nproducts:-----------\nproduct_name:  {prod}\nproduct_img:  {prod_img}\n---------------------\nreview:  {review}\nreview_ratings:  {rating}\n============================")
    def gather_cursor(url):
        n, cursor_and_url = 1, url
        while True:
            response = requests.get(cursor_and_url, verify=False)
            data = response.json()
            cursor = data['nextCursor']
            if not cursor:
            cursor_and_url = f"{url}?cursor={cursor}"

    Hope this will help.