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Increase file upload size limit in iis6

Is there any other place besides the metabase.xml file where the file upload size can be modified?

I am currently running a staging server with IIS6 and it is setup to allow uploading of files up to 20mb. This works perfectly fine. I have a new production server where I am trying to setup this same available size limit. So I edited the metabase.xml file and set it to 20971520. Then I restarted IIS and that didn't work. So I then restarted the entire server, that also didn't work. I can upload files around 2mb so it is definitely allowing file sizes larger then the standard 200kb default size. I try uploading a 5mb file and my upload.aspx page completely crashes. Is it possible there is something else I need to configure? The production server is located on a server farm, could there be some limits set on there end?



  • If you're using ASP .NET, then you need to modify the maxRequestLength web.config property.

    See this link.