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Twig replace plus and two spaces in string

I have a string like this:

Some + Name 

I want that changed to


I'm using the replace filter which works nicely. However I need to replace a whole lot more characters (for use in urls) which conflict with the above string.

{{ product.brand.title | replace({' ' : '-', '/&' : '-', "'" : "", '+':'', '.':''}) | lower | raw }}

When using the above replace function with the mentioned string I get


What would be the best way to accomplish the desired string?? With in mind I need to change most characters into dashes. I tried escape as well but that didn't work properly. Think of:

Dr. Brown's -> dr-browns
Burt's Bees -> burts-bees
naïf care -> naif-care


  • You can create your own custom Twig extension like that :

    1- The Twig extension class :

    class SlugifyExtension extends \Twig_Extension
        public function getFilters()
            return array(
                new \Twig_SimpleFilter('slugify', array($this, 'slugifyFilter')),
        public function slugifyFilter($string)
          $string = preg_replace('~[^\pL\d]+~u', '-', $string);
          $string = iconv('utf-8', 'us-ascii//TRANSLIT', $string);
          $string = preg_replace('~[^-\w]+~', '', $string);
          $string = trim($string, '-');
          $string = preg_replace('~-+~', '-', $string);
          $string = strtolower($string);
          if (empty($string)) {
            return 'n-a';
          return $string;
        public function getName()
            return 'slugify_extension';

    2- register your Twig extension :

            class: AppBundle\Twig\AppExtension
            public: false
                - { name: twig.extension }

    3- Then use it :

    {{ product.brand.title|slugify }}

    More infos here.