How to convert the variable below to become Multi Array Variable ?
The code example :
public GameObject Mayonnaise;
Text Qty;
Text Price;
Text Have;
public GameObject Cheese;
Text Qty;
Text Price;
Text Have;
public GameObject Flour;
Text Qty;
Text Price;
Text Have;
public GameObject Sugar;
Text Qty;
Text Price;
Text Have;
I want that gameobject Mayonnaise contain Qty, Price, Have;
So it will look like : Mayonnaise["qty","Price","Have"]
So I no need to create too many variable name with the same one.
How is it in Unity C# ?
I want that gameobject Mayonnaise contain Qty, Price, Have;
A game Object cannot contain those. It looks like you are looking for a way to hold those those variables and using scripts to do this is appropriate.
So I no need to create too many variable name with the same one
All you need is a script that holds each food type. You can then create arrays of each food type. This is what this question sounds to me and hopefully, I read this correctly.
If you look very close in your question, you will see that Qty
, and Have
variables appeared in all scripts. This is where inheritance
should be used.
public class Food
protected Text Qty;
protected Text Price;
protected Text Have;
public void setQty(Text Qty)
this.Qty = Qty;
public void setPrice(Text Price)
this.Price = Price;
public void setHave(Text Have)
this.Have = Have;
public Text getQty()
return this.Qty;
public Text getPrice()
return this.Price;
public Text getHave()
return this.Have;
You can then Create your Mayonnaise
and Sugar
classes and inherit from Food
on all of them.
public class Mayonnaise : Food
public class Cheese : Food
public class Flour : Food
public class Sugar : Food
Now, to answer your question about creating multiple arrays of them, below is like what you are looking for.
const int Size = 4;
Mayonnaise[] mayonnaise;
Cheese[] cheese;
Flour[] flour;
Sugar[] sugar;
void Start()
mayonnaise = new Mayonnaise[Size];
cheese = new Cheese[Size];
flour = new Flour[Size];
sugar = new Sugar[Size];
//Create instance of of them
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
mayonnaise[i] = new Mayonnaise();
cheese[i] = new Cheese();
flour[i] = new Flour();
sugar[i] = new Sugar();
mayonnaise[0].getHave().text = "Some Text";
string text = mayonnaise[0].getHave().text;