I have Player class defined like this:
#ifndef PLAYER_h
#define PLAYER_h
#include "cocos2d.h"
class Player: public Sprite {
Sprite *playerSprite;
__String name;
int maxHP;
int currHP;
int maxMP;
int currMP;
int maxEXP;
int currEXP;
and "Player.cpp":
#include "Player.h"
I want to initialize int maxHP, int maxMP .. etc upon
Player* myPlayer = Player::create();
What would be the proper way to override ::create() function with parameters such that
// create(int maxHP, int currHP, int maxMP, int currMP, int maxEXP, int currEXP)
Player* myPlayer = Player::create(100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100);
can be used?
You can overload create
(have multiple functions with the same name but different signature).
class Player : public Sprite {
static Player* create(int maxHP, int currHP, int maxMP, int currMP, int maxEXP, int currEXP) {
Player* p = Player::create();
p->maxHP = maxHP;
// etc ...
return p;