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Efficient way to store screen size, origin, and other global variables in Cocos2d-x?

I am building a 2d game using Cocos2d-x V3.x

I was wondering, what would be the best method to store the screen size variable, origin variable and others that can remain constant throughout the whole game?

For example:

Size windowSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
Vec2 windowOrigin = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleOrigin();

I believe these can be set as global variables.

What would be the most efficient way to do this?

Is the controversial singleton the best way?

Or should I just let each .cpp file have its own windowSize variables each time the scene is created?


  • there are many ways to do it, if you want to use one variable to use in all the scenes you can do it following way.

    //in header
    class BaseScene : public Scene
        Size windowSize;
        Vec2 windowOrigin;
    //cpp file
    BaseScene::BaseScene() {
        windowSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
        windowOrigin = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleOrigin();

    Now extend every scene from BaseScene class and directly use variable windowSize and windowOrigin