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How to run existing Clojure programme in Sublime REPL

I have setup sublime REPL(Sublime 2, MAC) and able to run small Clojure programs like (+ 2 2). I have created a small project using lein lein new app clojure-noob and I am able to run it via lein repl. And it loads the main class defined inside the project. How can I load the same main class in Sublime REPL.


  • All you need to do is open your project's project.clj file in Sublime, make sure it has focus, then select Tools → SublimeREPL → Clojure → Clojure. This runs lein repl in project.clj's folder.

    If you'd prefer to not have to go through so many submenus to open the REPL, you can do this:

    1. Select Preferences → Browse Packages… to open the Packages folder (~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages) in Finder.
    2. Go to the User folder and create the following hierarchy: Packages/User/SublimeREPL/config/Clojure.
    3. Create a new file in Clojure called Main.sublime-menu and open it in Sublime with the JSON syntax.
    4. Add the following to the file:

              "id": "tools",
                  {"command": "repl_open",
                   "caption": "Clojure",
                   "id": "repl_clojure",
                   "args": {
                      "type": "subprocess",
                      "encoding": "utf8",
                      "cmd": {"windows": ["lein.bat", "repl"],
                              "linux": ["lein", "repl"],
                              "osx":  ["lein", "repl"]},
                      "soft_quit": "\n(. System exit 0)\n",
                      "cwd": {"windows":"c:/Clojure",
                              "linux": "$file_path",
                              "osx": "$file_path"},
                      "syntax": "Packages/Clojure/Clojure.tmLanguage",
                      "external_id": "clojure",
                      "extend_env": {"INSIDE_EMACS": "1"}
    5. Once you save the file, you will now have a Tools → Clojure menu option.