I'm making my first project in Unity3D
right now. This is a 2D game. This is some kind of a runner
, but with possibility for player to go back on some distance. To achieve this functionality for the moment, i'm doing something like this:
When i was testing it on my PC, everything was fine, but for some reason, when next screen is creating it's causing my phone to lag for somewhat like a second, now how the code goes:
In Start()
method of the script i'm initializing two scenes:
Scene scene = new Scene ();
scene.setSceneBounds (screenBounds);
scene.createBackground (cameraOffsetOnStart, sceneSize);
scene.createContent ();
currentScenePosition = sceneSize * sceneNumber;
Vector2 nextScenePosition = new Vector2 (cameraOffsetOnStart.x + currentScenePosition.x, cameraOffsetOnStart.y);
Scene scene2 = new Scene ();
screenBounds.min = new Vector2(min.x + currentScenePosition.x, min.y);
screenBounds.max = new Vector2(max.x + currentScenePosition.x, max.y);
scene2.setSceneBounds (screenBounds);
scene2.createBackground (nextScenePosition, sceneSize);
scene2.createContent ();
And then in Update()
i'm checking if player exceedes current scene and creating new one:
void Update () {
if (player.transform.position.x - playerOffset > sceneNumber * (max.x - min.x)) {
Debug.Log("current scene is : " + (++sceneNumber));
currentScenePosition = sceneSize * sceneNumber;
Vector2 nextScenePosition = new Vector2 (cameraOffsetOnStart.x + currentScenePosition.x, cameraOffsetOnStart.y);
Scene scene = new Scene();
screenBounds.min = new Vector2(min.x + currentScenePosition.x, min.y);
screenBounds.max = new Vector2(max.x + currentScenePosition.x, max.y);
scene.setSceneBounds (screenBounds);
scene.createBackground(nextScenePosition, sceneSize);
And the code for creating content:
public void createBackground(Vector2 position, Vector2 size) {
background = new Background (position, size);
public void createContent() {
Vector2[] positions = Utilities.generateRandomPositions(5, sceneBounds, 4f);
for (int i = 0; i < positions.Length; i++) {
Web web = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<Web>();
The problem of lagging comes from createContent
method. Code for init
public void init(Vector2 position) {
if (position != Vector2.zero) {
obj = Instantiate (Resources.Load ("Textures/web", typeof(GameObject)), position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
It's obvious that Instantiate
method, calling 5 times in a row for 5 object is causing this behviour.
More details on "Textures/web" if needed: This is a prefab with circle collider and rigidbody, which set to be kinematic
Questions: Why it's lagging on only 5 items? Am i using Instantiate
in a wrong way? How can i make it faster? Is there a way to call it async?
As discussed in comments.
In line:
obj = Instantiate (Resources.Load ("Textures/web", typeof(GameObject)), position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
You loading resources from devices memory each time you call this code. Just store GameObject
in some variable e.g in Start()