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QBASIC programming confusion

I've just created a text to speech converter using this programming language.

The code is,

    PRINT "This is the program built by Adhikari Newtorks Team Using QBASIC..........."
    PRINT "This is a text to speech converter.."
    INPUT "Enter the word to pronounce: ", speak$
    OPEN "sound.vbs" FOR OUTPUT AS #1
    PRINT #1, "dim speechobject"
    PRINT #1, "set speechobject=createobject ("; CHR$(34); "sapi.spvoice"; CHR$(34); ")"
    PRINT #1, "speechobject.speak"; CHR$(34); speak$; CHR$(34)
    CLOSE #1
    SHELL "sound.vbs"
    KILL "sound.vbs"

You know, here i've programmed a visual basic code using this language. My main confusion is that, can I say that this program is built using QBASIC programming language or should I call it a Visual Basic program?


  • It's a QBasic program that starts a VBScript.

    Although I don't really see the point. It's like someone already commented, why not just write a vbscript directly? It would be much shorter code too, something like this:

       str = InputBox("Enter the word to pronounce","Enter text")
       Dim speechobject
       Set speechobject = createobject("sapi.spvoice")
       speechobject.speak str
    Loop Until (str = "")

    And if you want to run it in the command prompt, you can type: cscript /nologo myscript.vbs