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QBASIC program is returning an 'inf' output

I'm starting to learn QBASIC for while, but the first test is something I can't understand fully... There is a part about the y variable which is returning "inf" and I can't understand WHY...I searched up that in Google but its just showing "inf" error. If it IS an error at all, it should not run at all but the program is running beautifully. Here's the code :

Print "Hello World"
x = 123
Print x;
y = 123^210 * x
Print y

And here's the output :

Hello World
123 inf

Is it because The power's too much ?? It should show an error then, but the code's running perfectly...


  • The QBasic 1.1 Help file gives the following limits:

                               Maximum                  Minimum
                                ----------------------   -----------------------
    Variable-name length        40 characters             1 character
    String length               32,767 characters         0 characters
    Integers                    32,767                   -32,768
    Long integers               2,147,483,647            -2,147,483,648
    Single-precision numbers:
      Positive                  3.402823E+38              2.802597E-45
      Negative                 -2.802597E-45             -3.402823E+38
    Double-precision numbers:
      Positive                  1.79769313486231D+308     4.940656458412465D-324
      Negative                 -4.940656458412465D-324   -1.79769313486231D+308

    From: QBASIC 1.1 Help file Subsection: Name String and Number Limits

    And in the Character set, we find that the <caret>-character represents the exponentiation as a mathematical operator. Hence, the value 123^210 is, by far, larger than the maximum double-precision positive number which is 2^1023 × (1 + (1 − 2^−52))

    2^1023 × (1 + (1 − 2^−52)) < (2^6)^210 = 2^1260 < 123^210 = (2^7-2^4-1)^210