I am uploading binary jpeg files using html <form>
on to my python webapp server hosted on Google App Engine. The server method receives the entire image (tried printing stats such as file size/type etc. successfully), but fails to write it to google cloud storage bucket. What ends up on the GCS bucket is a corrupted file of just 48 bytes.
def handleUpload(self):
client = self._get_storage_client()
bucket = client.get_bucket(config.CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET)
results = []
for name, fieldStorage in self.request.POST.items():
if type(fieldStorage) is unicode:
result = {}
fileName = urllib.unquote(fieldStorage.filename)
blob = bucket.blob(fileName)
url = blob.public_url
if isinstance(url, six.binary_type):
url = url.decode('utf-8')
return results
Figured it out. Actally it should be fieldStorage.file.read() instead of fieldStorage.file because it reads the file using a temporary buffer and not the whole file at once.