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How do I ensure that a Python while-loop takes a particular amount of time to run?

I'm reading serial data with a while loop. However, I have no control over the sample rate.

The code itself seems to take 0.2s to run, so I know I won't be able to go any faster than that. But I would like to be able to control precisely how much slower I sample.

I feel like I could do it using 'sleep', but the problem is that there is potential that at different points the loop itself will take longer to read(depending on precisely what is being transmitted over serial data), so the code would have to make up the balance.

For example, let's say I want to sample every 1s, and the loop takes anywhere from 0.2s to 0.3s to run. My code needs to be smart enough to sleep for 0.8s (if the loop takes 0.2s) or 0.7s (if the loop takes 0.3s).

import serial
import csv
import time

#open serial stream
    while True:

        #read and print a line
        print 'time: ',sample_time,', value: ',sample_value


  • Just measure the time running your code takes every iteration of the loop, and sleep accordingly:

    import time
    while True:
        now = time.time()            # get the time
        do_something()               # do your stuff
        elapsed = time.time() - now  # how long was it running?
        time.sleep(1.-elapsed)       # sleep accordingly so the full iteration takes 1 second

    Of course not 100% perfect (maybe off one millisecond or another from time to time), but I guess it's good enough.

    Another nice approach is using twisted's LoopingCall:

    from twisted.internet import task
    from twisted.internet import reactor
    def do_something():
        pass # do your work here