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How can I get .text section from PE file using pefile

How can I get the content of .text section (or any other section) from PE by using pefile module?


  • sections attr of PE class instance is sections list and each item have get_data function:

    >>> import pefile
    >>> pe = pefile.PE('./psfile.exe')
    >>> for section in pe.sections:
    ...   print (section.Name, hex(section.VirtualAddress),
    ...     hex(section.Misc_VirtualSize), section.SizeOfRawData )
    ('.text\x00\x00\x00', '0x1000', '0xd3e4', 57344)
    ('.rdata\x00\x00', '0xf000', '0x5504', 24576)
    ('.data\x00\x00\x00', '0x15000', '0x3684', 8192)
    ('.rsrc\x00\x00\x00', '0x19000', '0x444', 4096)

    10 first bytes from text section data for example:

    >>> pe.sections[0].get_data()[:10]