Copying files does not work:
def toClipboard(selectedLinesOnly: Boolean = false): Unit = {
val clipboard = Clipboard.systemClipboard
val content = new ClipboardContent
val items: Iterable[FileRecord] = selectedLinesOnly match {
case true => tableView.selectionModel.value.selectedItems.toSeq
case false => tableView.items.value
val files =
println(s"COPY $files")
clipboard.content = content
Output: [info] COPY [SFX][/tmp/test/a.txt, /tmp/test/b.txt]
No files to paste.
def toClipboard(selectedLinesOnly: Boolean = false): Unit = {
val clipboard = Clipboard.systemClipboard
val content = new ClipboardContent
val items: Iterable[FileRecord] = selectedLinesOnly match {
case true => tableView.selectionModel.value.selectedItems.toSeq
case false => tableView.items.value
val files =
println(s"COPY $files")
clipboard.content = content
Output: [info] COPY [SFX][/tmp/test/a.txt, /tmp/test/b.txt]
No files to paste.
def toClipboard(selectedLinesOnly: Boolean = false): Unit = {
val clipboard = Clipboard.systemClipboard
val content = new ClipboardContent
val items: Iterable[FileRecord] = selectedLinesOnly match {
case true => tableView.selectionModel.value.selectedItems.toSeq
case false => tableView.items.value
val files ="file://" + _.file.getPath)
println(s"COPY $files")
clipboard.content = content
Output: [info] COPY [SFX][file:///tmp/test/a.txt, file:///tmp/test/b.txt]
No files to paste.
But copying the paths to the string clipboard is possible:
def toClipboard(selectedLinesOnly: Boolean = false): Unit = {
val clipboard = Clipboard.systemClipboard
val content = new ClipboardContent
val items: Iterable[FileRecord] = selectedLinesOnly match {
case true => tableView.selectionModel.value.selectedItems.toSeq
case false => tableView.items.value
val files =
println(s"COPY $files")
content.putString(files.mkString(" "))
clipboard.content = content
Now this is in my clipboard: "/tmp/test/a.txt /tmp/test/b.txt"
But I need it in the form of files, not a string.
How can I make copying files work in my application?
I am working with OpenJFX 8 on Ubuntu.
My solution which I tested successfully with Ubuntu:
package myapp.clipboard
import java.awt.datatransfer._
case class FilesTransferable(files: Iterable[String]) extends Transferable {
val clipboardString: String = "copy\n" + => s"file://$path").mkString("\n")
val dataFlavor = new DataFlavor("x-special/gnome-copied-files")
def getTransferDataFlavors(): Array[DataFlavor] = {
def isDataFlavorSupported(flavor: DataFlavor): Boolean = {
def getTransferData(flavor: DataFlavor): Object = {
if(flavor.getRepresentationClass() == classOf[]) {
} else {
return null;
package myapp.clipboard
import java.awt.Toolkit
import java.awt.datatransfer._
object Clipboard {
def toClipboard(
transferable: Transferable,
lostOwnershipCallback: (Clipboard, Transferable) => Unit =
{ (clipboard: Clipboard, contents: Transferable) => Unit }
): Unit = {
new ClipboardOwner {
def lostOwnership(clipboard: Clipboard, contents: Transferable): Unit = {
lostOwnershipCallback(clipboard, contents)
Quite a lot code for such a basic functionality (and still not OS independent).
Usage Example:
val transferable = FilesTransferable(filePaths)
myapp.clipboard.Clipboard.toClipboard(transferable, { (cb, contents) =>
println(s"lost clipboard ownership (clipboard: $cb)")
If it is true that there still do not exist any solutions which are part of Java-AWT/Swing/JavaFX/Scala-Swing/ScalaFX (actually, I still can't believe it), my plan is to build an easy-to-use clipboard library which supports at least OS X, Ubuntu and Windows.