@IBAction func openLinkedin() {
let url = NSURL(string: self.currentUser.linkedin)!
if(UIApplication.sharedApplication().canOpenURL(url) == true){
if currentUser.linkedin.rangeOfString("linkedin") != nil{
Utility.sharedInstance.showAlert("\(currentUser.display_name) heeft geen correcte linkedin link.")
Utility.sharedInstance.showAlert("\(currentUser.display_name) heeft geen linkedin link ingevuld.")
i have this pice of code in my project. When i test it it works flawlessly. But for some reason it works on my phone and not on my test device. Can anyone explain what is happening?
Self.currentUser.linkedin = https://nl.linkedin.com/in/username
when i tap the button on the phone where it is not working i dont get any errors from canOpenUrl()
is this a bug?
Thanks for any awnser!
I found the problem. On the test device safari was disabeld. This ment that open url failed silently. i fixed it by putting this above the code:
Utility.sharedInstance.showAlertL("Kan de link niet openen. Kopieer de onderstaande link en plak deze in de browser.", link: self.appDelegate.user.linkedin)
the alert looked like this:
func showAlertL(message:String, link:String){
let responseAlert = UIAlertView()
responseAlert.alertViewStyle = UIAlertViewStyle.PlainTextInput
let tekstfield = responseAlert.textFieldAtIndex(0)
tekstfield?.text = link
responseAlert.title = "Opes!"
responseAlert.message = message
if it fails silently this error message will promt and put in a textfield with the link inside it. that way the user can copy it and paste it in an brower.
I hope it helps someone else too!