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Can @Configuration work without @componentScan (Spring JavaConfig @annotaion)

public class AppConfig {    

  public HelloWorld helloWorld() {
    return new HelloWorldImpl();

public interface HelloWorld {
    void printHelloWorld(String msg);

public class HelloWorldImpl implements HelloWorld {
public void printHelloWorld(String msg) {
    System.out.println("Hello! : " + msg);

public class App {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context = new 
    new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(AppConfig.class);

HelloWorld obj = (HelloWorld) context.getBean(HelloWorldImpl.class);

obj.printHelloWorld("Spring3 Java Config");

My program can works, but my question is why I don't need to add @componentScan in .

It seems to @Configuration and @Bean can be found by Spring whithout using @componentScan.

I thought if you want to use @annotation ,you must use @componentScan or

context:component-scan(xml), am I right?


  • @ComponentScan allows spring to auto scan all your components with @Component annotated. Spring uses the base-package attribute, which indicates where to find components.

    @Configuration is meta annotated with @Component, which marks it eligible for classpath scanning.

    @Configuration (AppConfig class) is registered when you use

    AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(AppConfig.class);

    @Bean doesn't need @ComponentScan as all these beans are created explicitly when spring encounters this annotation.