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Laravel with Linkedin API error - ServiceFactory::createService() must be an instance of OAuth\Common\Storage\TokenStorageInterface

I'm using Laravel to develop my website, and I integrated the linkedin login to it, it works fine for like a few months. then suddenly, last week i received an error. I didn't change any code that has something to do with Linkedin API. I'm suspecting whether it has something to do with Linkedin itself.

here's what the error looks like:

enter image description here


  • If you are using this library to integrate Linkedin to your laravel project, there might be an issue right now with the update. you can simply fix the error in OAuth.php by replacing it with this code:

    <?php namespace Artdarek\OAuth;
     * @author     Dariusz Prząda <[email protected]>
     * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2013
     * @license MIT License
    use \Config;
    use \URL;
    use \OAuth\ServiceFactory;
    use \OAuth\Common\Consumer\Credentials;
    class OAuth {
         * @var ServiceFactory
        private $_serviceFactory;
         * Storege name from config
         * @var string
        private $_storage_name = 'Session';
         * Client ID from config
         * @var string
        private $_client_id;
         * Client secret from config
         * @var string
        private $_client_secret;
         * Scope from config
         * @var array
        private $_scope = [];
         * Constructor
         * @param ServiceFactory $serviceFactory - (Dependency injection) If not provided, a ServiceFactory instance will be constructed.
        public function __construct(ServiceFactory $serviceFactory = null)
            if (null === $serviceFactory)
                // Create the service factory
                $serviceFactory = new ServiceFactory();
            $this->_serviceFactory = $serviceFactory;
         * Detect config and set data from it
         * @param string $service
        public function setConfig($service)
            // if config/oauth-4-laravel.php exists use this one
            if (Config::get('oauth-5-laravel.consumers') != null)
                $this->_storage_name  = Config::get('', 'Session');
                $this->_client_id     = Config::get("oauth-5-laravel.consumers.$service.client_id");
                $this->_client_secret = Config::get("oauth-5-laravel.consumers.$service.client_secret");
                $this->_scope         = Config::get("oauth-5-laravel.consumers.$service.scope", []);
                // esle try to find config in packages configs
                $this->_storage_name  = Config::get('oauth-5-laravel::storage', 'Session');
                $this->_client_id     = Config::get("oauth-5-laravel::consumers.$service.client_id");
                $this->_client_secret = Config::get("oauth-5-laravel::consumers.$service.client_secret");
                $this->_scope         = Config::get("oauth-5-laravel::consumers.$service.scope", []);
         * Create storage instance
         * @param string $storageName
         * @return OAuth\Common\\Storage
        public function createStorageInstance($storageName)
            $storageClass = "\\OAuth\\Common\\Storage\\$storageName";
            $storage      = new $storageClass();
            return $storage;
         * Set the http client object
         * @param string $httpClientName
         * @return void
        public function setHttpClient($httpClientName)
            $httpClientClass = "\\OAuth\\Common\\Http\\Client\\$httpClientName";
            $this->_serviceFactory->setHttpClient(new $httpClientClass());
         * @param  string $service
         * @param  string $url
         * @param  array $scope
         * @return \OAuth\Common\Service\AbstractService
        public function consumer($service, $url = null, $scope = null)
            // get config
            // get storage object
            $storage = $this->createStorageInstance($this->_storage_name);
            // create credentials object
            $credentials = new Credentials(
                $url ? : URL::current()
            // check if scopes were provided
            if (is_null($scope))
                // get scope from config (default to empty array)
                $scope = $this->_scope;
            // return the service consumer object
            return $this->_serviceFactory->createService($service, $credentials, $storage, $scope);