I'm building a test bench night now, and I'm not sure how should I connect several modules I built earlier. Here's the modules I used, all of them were tested and works properly.
counter11bit_abc ctr2(ctr_enable, ctr_clr, clk_out, counter);
register10bit_abc dut3(clk_out, d_in, q_out);
clk #(400) clk1(clk_enable, clk_out);
hc85_abc dut4(a_in, b_in, ia_lt_b, ia_eq_b, ia_gt_b, qa_lt_b, qa_eq_b, qa_gt_b);
I need to connect the following ports:
assign a_in = counter [3:0];
assign b_in = counter [7:4];
assign ia_lt_b = counter [8];
assign ia_eq_b = counter [9];
assign ia_gt_b = counter [10];
assign d_in[0] = ia_gt_b;
assign d_in[1] = ia_eq_b;
assign d_in[2] = ia_lt_b;
Declaration is as followed:
wire [9:0] d_in;
wire [9:0] q_out;
wire [3:0] a_in, b_in;
wire ia_lt_b, ia_eq_b, ia_gt_b, qa_lt_b, qa_eq_b, qa_gt_b;
reg clk_enable;
reg ctr_enable;
reg ctr_clr;
wire clk_out;
wire [10:0] counter;
For the initial part I dropped down as follow:
clk_enable = 1;
ctr_enable = 1;
ctr_clr = 1;
ctr_clr = 0;
Now the compiler is giving me a complain says
near "=": syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting IDENTIFIER or TYPE_IDENTIFIER
And that is for the line where "ctr_enable = 1;"
Is there anyone know what may cause this issue? I've been working on it for more than an hour trying everything I can. Thanks.
In Verilog, initial
will apply to only the following statement, unless enclosed in begin
, irrespective of indentation (since it's not Python).
As a result, your second line (ctr_enable = 1
) is completely independent of the always
keyword. The fix is adding begin
initial begin
clk_enable = 1;
ctr_enable = 1;
ctr_clr = 1;
ctr_clr = 0;