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Exclude property on query neo4j client

I'm making an application which is similar to a small network. I have this class :

class Person
    public string Email {get; set;}
    public string Password {get; set;}
    public int Age {get; set;}
    public long Birthday {get;set;}
    ... 30 properties more

I have this query :

_graphClient.Cypher.Match ("n:Person")
    .Where<Person>(n => n.Email == info.Email)
    .Return(n => n.As<Person>)

But I want my query ignore the password and return all other properties.

Exactly, I want it to be:

 Email: "email_1",
 Age : 10,
 Birthday : 1000
 ... 30 properties more

Can anyone help me please?

Thank you.


  • There are three options I can think of, but I think only one is really viable for you. You can attach the attribute [JsonIgnore] to your Password property - but this will stop it being serialized ever - and I don't think you want that.

    The second option is to use an Anonymous type for your return, so something like:

    .Return(n => new {
            Email = n.As<Person>().Email,
            /* etc */

    But I think that will mean you'll write a lot of code, which I imagine you'd rather avoid.

    The final option is to have something like:

    public class Person {
        public string Email { get; set; }
        /* All other properties, except Password */
    public class PersonWithPassword : Person {
        public string Password { get;set; }

    Then use Person where you are, and PersonWithPassword where you need the password.

    You might find you have a problem if you have a Membership set up to use Person as is - in which case, you'd do something like:

    public class PersonWithoutPassword {
        public string Email { get; set; }
        /* All other properties, except Password */
    public class Person : PersonWithoutPassword {
        public string Password { get;set; }

    and in your return - you'd return:

    Return(n => n.As<PersonWithoutPassword>())
