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neo4j remove labels , invalid input -

In the neo4j browser i try to execute the following command:

match(n:DATA_CATEGORY_TYPE) remove n:client-18d1b5fb-c7b5-4769-9b75-363ec596b012 return n

I get the following error:

    Invalid input '-': expected
  <EOF> (line 1, column 44 (offset: 43))
"match(n:DATA_CATEGORY_TYPE) remove n:client-18d1b5fb-c7b5-4769-9b75-363ec596b012 return n"

Something is wrong with the use of "-" in the label, but cannot change it. How can i deal with this error?


  • Use back-ticks ` for the labels, like so,

    match(n:DATA_CATEGORY_TYPE) remove n:`client-18d1b5fb-c7b5-4769-9b75-363ec596b012` return n