I'm trying to recreate this in C#:
MATCH p=shortestPath((bacon:Person {name:"Kevin Bacon"})-[*]-(meg:Person {name:"Meg Ryan"}))
But all examples i found that uses shortest path only returns a list of same type of nodes. In this example i need to return both People and Movies nodes. So it starts something like this :
var shortestPath = graphClient.Cypher
.OptionalMatch("p = shortestPath((bacon: Person )-[*] - (meg: Person ) )")
.Where((Person bacon) => bacon.name == "Kevin Bacon ")
.AndWhere((Person meg) => meg.name == "Meg Ryan")
What should i write instead of question mark?
Update : The only information I found on neo4j client's shortest path is this Return All Nodes in Shortest Path as Object List but I can't figure it out.
Good question - and tough to work out, I think I've got there - though - it's probably not the most performant.
As you say - the problem is multiple types - so let's get things setup, I'm using an extension method to make this look a bit nicer code wise:
public static class Extensions
public static T ToObject<T>(this string value)
//deserialize into a 'Node' first
var node = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Node>(value);
//then take the 'data' from that and 'ToObject' to the correct thing.
return ((JObject) node.data).ToObject<T>();
private class Node{
public object data {get;set;}
The ToObject<T>
method is what we'll use to convert our output to objects.
I've got the standard set of POCO for representing the data (albeit with bad naming conventions for the properties):
public class Movie {
public string title {get;set;}
public string tagline {get;set;}
public class Person {
public string name {get;set;}
public int born {get;set;}
public class RolesRel {
public IEnumerable<string> roles {get;set;}
OK - now we're ready to go. I've changed the Return
to look like this:
var shortestPath = graphClient.Cypher
.OptionalMatch("p = shortestPath((bacon: Person)-[*]-(meg: Person ) )")
.Where((Person bacon) => bacon.name == "Kevin Bacon")
.AndWhere((Person meg) => meg.name == "Meg Ryan")
.Return(p => new {
Nodes = Return.As<IEnumerable<string>>("nodes(p)"),
Relationships = Return.As<IEnumerable<RolesRel>>("rels(p)")
is the only universal option we've got for deserializing multiple node types. In this scenario, as the relationships are all the same, we're all good on that front to just use a POCO - but if they weren't you'd end up doing what we're doing for Nodes for them as well.
Next, I run through the results:
foreach (var result in shortestPath.Results)
foreach (var node in result.Nodes)
else if(node.Contains("title"))
else {
Console.WriteLine("Unknown Node Type: " + node);
I'm doing a naive check here for a property name I know is in one node type, but not another - and you may want to do it another way - but this works.
Obviously - I'm just outputting to the screen - but you will have access to the object itself.