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Return link to file stored in eXist db on remote server

I'd like to know how to get/create a url to a file stored in exist-db. I can get a file with link similar to this one if eXist-db is running on my localhost: http://localhost:8080/exist/rest/db/junitReports/Report1.xml

But how can I do it if it exist-db is on the remote host? I can hardcode that host's IP address in xQuery, but I do not want to do it. Is there a function which would return me remote's hostname or ip address in xquery?

Thank you.


  • I'm able to build a URL I can use with curl with the following expression:

    concat(request:get-scheme(), "://", request:get-server-name(), ":",
           request:get-server-port(), request:get-context-path(),
           request:get-servlet-path(), document-uri(root($m)))

    $m is a node from some document.

    Here is an example of a complete query:

    xquery version "3.0";
    declare namespace config='';
    for $m in //config:collection
    return concat(request:get-scheme(), "://", request:get-server-name(),
                  ":", request:get-server-port(), request:get-context-path(),
                  request:get-servlet-path(), document-uri(root($m)))

    On a normal eXist database the above query would produce one URL per .xconf file that is present in the database. (A default eXist installation has a bunch of them.) Here's an example of a URL I get from this:


    And I can use curl directly on that URL to get the document. Or I can plop it in my browser.