Is it possible to rebind a std::function to point to the same function but with a different object instance?
Say if I have an object that has a std::function that is bound to another function, but if that object was copied to another instance, I'd like to rebind the std::function to that new instance instead of the old instance.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
class EventHandler
int Num;
std::function<int()> OnEvent;
EventHandler (int inNum)
Num = inNum;
EventHandler (const EventHandler& other)
Num = other.Num;
OnEvent = other.OnEvent; //TODO: Need some way to redirect the std::function to the new instance rather than having the delegate point to the original object's handler.
int HandleEvent ()
return Num;
int main()
EventHandler a(4);
a.OnEvent = std::bind(&EventHandler::HandleEvent, a);
EventHandler b(a);
b.Num = 5;
//Uncommenting the line below is a manual way of redirecting event handler to the new instance.
//b.OnEvent = std::bind(&EventHandler::HandleEvent, b);
int aResult = a.OnEvent();
int bResult = b.OnEvent();
//This will print out 4 and 4 instead of 4 and 5 since b is still bound to a's event handler.
std::cout << "aResult=" << aResult << " bResult=" << bResult << '\n';
return 0;
I'm open to having a wrapper of the std::function to store additional information.
The following code introduced a binding_function<R(Args...)>
, which is called like function<R()>
, and arguments can be rebind anytime after it constructed (assuming it was not nullptr
#include <functional>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
template <typename T>
class binding_function;
template <typename R, typename... Args>
class binding_function<R(Args...)> : std::function<R()>
using base_function = std::function<R(Args...)>;
using binded_function = std::function<R()>;
base_function base;
binding_function() = default;
template <typename BaseF, typename... TArgs>
binding_function(BaseF&& f, TArgs&&... args)
: base(std::forward<BaseF>(f)) {
template <typename... TArgs>
void rebind(TArgs&&... args)
static_cast<binded_function&>(*this) =
std::bind(base, std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
using binded_function::operator();
class EventHandler
// change type of OnEvent to binding_function
binding_function<int(EventHandler)> OnEvent;
// others remain the same
int main()
EventHandler a(4);
// first binding
a.OnEvent = {&EventHandler::HandleEvent, a};
EventHandler b(a);
b.Num = 5;
b.OnEvent.rebind(b); // rebinding
int aResult = a.OnEvent();
int bResult = b.OnEvent();
//This will print out 4 and 4 instead of 4 and 5 since b is still bound to a's event handler.
std::cout << "aResult=" << aResult << " bResult=" << bResult << '\n';
return 0;