I'm working on a game in Lua, and so far I have everything working with everything in one document. However, to better organize everything, I've decided to expand it into modules, and while I figure I could probably get it working more or less the same, I figure now might be an opportunity to make things a little more clear and elegant.
One example is enemies and enemy movement. I have an array called enemyTable, and here is the code in Update that moves each enemy:
for i, bat in ipairs(enemyTable) do
if bat.velocity < 1.1 * player.maxSpeed * pxPerMeter then
bat.velocity = bat.velocity + 1.1 * player.maxSpeed * pxPerMeter * globalDelta / 10
tempX,tempY = math.normalize(player.x - bat.x,player.y - bat.y)
bat.vectorX = (1 - .2) * bat.vectorX + (.2) * tempX
bat.vectorY = (1 - .2) * bat.vectorY + (.2) * tempY
bat.x = bat.x + (bat.velocity*bat.vectorX - player.velocity.x) * globalDelta
bat.y = bat.y + bat.velocity * bat.vectorY * globalDelta
if bat.x < 0 then
elseif bat.x > windowWidth then
This code does everything I want it to, but now I want to move it into a module called enemy.lua. My original plan was to create a function enemy.Move() inside enemy.lua that would do this exact thing, then return the updated enemyTable. Then the code inside main.lua would be something like:
enemyTable = enemy.Move(enemyTable)
What I'd prefer is something like:
...but I'm not sure if there's any way to do that in Lua? Does anyone have any suggestions for how to accomplish this?
Sounds like you just want the metatable
of enemyTable
to be the enemy
module table. Lua 5.1 reference manual entry for metatables
Something like this.
local enemy = {}
function enemy:move()
for _, bat in ipairs(self) do
return enemy
local enemy = require("enemy")
enemyTable = setmetatable({}, {__index = enemy})
table.insert(enemyTable, enemy.new())
table.insert(enemyTable, enemy.new())
table.insert(enemyTable, enemy.new())