I'm using handlebars.js with assemble.
I have a list of partials (which are svgs): icon-blue.hbs, icon-red.hbs, icon-white.hbs etc
I would like loop through an array and generate a different partial for each index.
I have the following in my JSON:
"list": [
"color": "red",
"val": "Lorem ipsum"
"color": "blue",
"val": "Lorem ipsum"
"color": "white",
"val": "Lorem ipsum"
then in index.hbs I want to do something like this:
{{#each list}}
{{> icon-{{color}} }} --> I know this isn't possible, so what can I do instead?
Is there any way to do this? or any other way to achieve the expected result?
In handlebars you'll need to use a helper to join or concat variables.
You can add a helper to assemble
like this:
app.helper('icon', function(name) {
return 'icon-' + name;
Then you can use the built in partial helper and handlebars subexpressions:
{{#each list}}
{{partial (icon color)}}