I have a Java EE web application. I am connecting database with JDBC and I am using JDBC connection pool. My application's main page is login page. After I enter the login page and wait for a while, I take this glassfish server(4.1.0) warning consistently.
Warning: RAR5035:Unexpected exception while destroying resource from pool OraclePool. Exception message: Error while destroying resource :IO Error: Socket read timed out
Even if I don't do any action on the page. When I monitore the statistics of the connection pool, NumConnCreated
is increasing continuously. How can I solve the problem?. Thank you.
This is my managed bean class.
public class Login implements Serializable{
private String userName;
private String password;
private User user;
private @EJB DBRemote db;
public void test(){
String[] params1 = {"user","1234"};
int[] getParams = {Types.INTEGER,Types.VARCHAR,Types.VARCHAR,Types.VARCHAR};
CallableStatement statement = db.run("TBL.USERLOGIN(?,?,?,?,?,?)", params1 , getParams);
try {
int isLogin = statement.getInt(3);
if (isLogin==1) {
String uName = statement.getString(4);
String uId = statement.getString(5);
user = new User(uId, uName, isLogin);
System.out.println("LOGGED IN " + uName + "\t" + uId);
String errMessage = statement.getString(6);
user = new User(errMessage,isLogin);
System.out.println("LOG IN FAILURE " + errMessage);
} catch (SQLException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Login.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage("infoback", new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO,
"TEST","Test Works"));
This my interface class
public interface DBRemote {
CallableStatement run(String query, String[] setParams, int[] getParams);
void close();
String getErrorMessage();
String getSql();
This is my Stateless Bean class
public class DB implements DBRemote{
@Resource(mappedName = "pwresource")
private DataSource ds;
private String sql;
private String errorMessage;
private CallableStatement statement;
private Connection connection;
public DB() {
public CallableStatement run(String query, String[] setParams, int[] getParams){
sql = "{call " + query + "}";
int getParamIndex = setParams.length + 1;
try {
connection = ds.getConnection();
statement = connection.prepareCall(sql);
for (int i = 0; i < setParams.length; i++) {
statement.setString(i+1, setParams[i]);
for (int getParam : getParams) {
statement.registerOutParameter(getParamIndex, getParam);
}catch (SQLException ex) {
if (ex.getErrorCode()==17008) {
errorMessage = "Timeout";
errorMessage = "System Error";
Logger.getLogger(DB.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return statement;
public void close(){
try {
if (statement != null) {
if(connection != null){
errorMessage = null;
} catch (SQLException e) {
errorMessage = "Close Connection Error";
public String getErrorMessage() {
return errorMessage;
public String getSql() {
return sql;
I have solved my problem. My problem is because of the connection between connection pool and database. Database closes the connections automically because of the server and database in different networks caused timeout issue.