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Connect to Databricks SQL Warehouse using Oracle SQL Developer, with JDBC driver

I've read: How do you connect to a MySQL database using Oracle SQL Developer?

I want to connect to my Databricks SQL Warehouse using Oracle SQL developer. So I:

  • went to "Oracle SQL Developper > Tools > Preferences... > Database > Third Party JDBC Drivers > Add Entry..." and selected the Databricks JDBC Driver jar I downloaded.
  • repeated the process for the MySQL JDBC driver jar. enter image description here
  • Now when I create a "New Connection", I see MySQL and Oracle as options in the "Database Type" combo-box, but no Databricks.

enter image description here

I'm also able to use the same Databricks JDBC Driver file in DBeaver and connect successfully.

Am I missing some step?


  • It's not supported. I wish I had a better answer, but we hard-code the list of allowed JDBC drivers we support. And they match the list of databases our 'Migrate to Oracle' code path have been tested for.

    Not enough Databricks customers are asking us to help them migrate to Oracle, yet.