I have 4 tables:
CUSTOMER (idCustomer,name,phone,email, markdown)
ORDER (idOrder,day,Customer_idCustomer)
ORDERITEM (idOrderItem, quantity, Order_idOrder, Product_idProduct)
PRODUCT (idProduct,name,price,description)
What would be the query for:
Average customer spending (for each customer) in individual months
Number of ordered items?
I already wrote some queries on this database.
Since I do it for Java application with JDBC, maybe I can split these two queries and make calculation of average separately but what is the best approach? Is there a way how to do it just with two SQL queries?
Thank you for help.
Query I use for price reduction:
String sql = """
SELECT c.markdown, SUM(oi.quantity * p.price)
FROM orderitem oi, `order`o , product p , customer c
WHERE c.idCustomer = o.Customer_idCustomer
AND oi.Order_idOrder = o.idOrder
AND oi.Product_idProduct = p.idProduct
AND o.idOrder = " + idOrderValue + "
GROUP BY oi.Order_idOrder
You want an aggregation query with JOIN
s. Use proper JOIN
syntax! Do not use commas in the FROM
SELECT year(o.day) as yyyy,
month(o.day) as mm,
SUM(oi.quantity * p.price) / COUNT(DISTINCT c.idCustomer) as avg_customer_spending,
SUM(oi.quantity) as num_items
FROM customers c JOIN
orders o
ON c.idCustomer = o.Customer_idCustomer JOIN
orderitem oi
ON oi.Order_idOrder = o.idOrder JOIN
product p
ON oi.Product_idProduct = p.idProduct
GROUP BY year(o.day), month(o.day);