I'm struggling with this piece of code:
typedef shared_ptr<node <T>> (node<T>::*son_getter)();
son_getter get_son[] = {&node<T>::getLeftSon, &node<T>::getRightSon};
insert = node->*get_son[index]();
I get a compilation error:
error: must use ‘.*’ or ‘->*’ to call pointer-to-member function in ‘get_son[index] (...)’, e.g. ‘(... ->* get_son[index]) (...)’
insert = node->*get_son[index]();
Where node
is shared_ptr<node<T>>
just as insert
I've tried everything I could guess and still no idea what's going on.
First of all, a function call operator ()
has a higher priority than ->*
, as such, you need to add parenthesis to enforce the desired evaluation order. Additionally, node
is a smart pointer, while the pointer to member function refers to the type stored in that shared pointer.
Having said that, you need to use one of the below alternatives:
(&*node->*get_son[index])(); // or std::addressof(*node)->*