I am trying to create a distributed domain using RedHawk 2.0.1 and cannot find enough information on setting it up in the manual. I have two related issues. I want to run the domain manager on the same host as the IDE but run one or more components on another node. I see how to create a new node project but do not see how to specify the network location it should run on. I can add it to the domain but it simply runs two device managers on the local host. I also do not see details of how to make specific components run on the alternate node. Does this require manually adding allocation properies?
The related issue is that I would like to use a non-x86 node as the remote node. I am trying to use an ARM processor and following the instructions in the Sub$100 manual I was able to build and install the runtime system on my ARM, but I find that the GPP device's GPP.spd.xml still has x86 as the processor name while the prf.xml has arm as the required property.
The manual seems to indicate that the binaries for all nodes will be in the sdr of the domain manager, so am I supposed to copy the sdr entries for my arm gpp device and all components back to the sdr of the domain manager host and then they will be deployed back to my arm at domain and waveform launch?
Are there better detailed instructions for distributed domains somewhere that I am missing?
I believe the last supported version of REDHAWK for the Sub$100 project was 1.10, so we're in uncharted territory. That being said, let's take a stab at it.
The first thing you should do is make sure the /etc/omniORB.cfg file for your Domain Manager looks like this:
InitRef = NameService=corbaname::<external IP>:2809
InitRef = EventService=corbaloc::<external IP>
where should be replaced with your network IP (i.e., not localhost or Restart the CORBA naming and event services with this command:
sudo $OSSIEHOME/bin/cleanomni
The next step is to configure your ARM device to point to the Domain Manager. Edit the /etc/omniORB.cfg file on the ARM device to match the one from your Domain Manager, even the IP address. Note that you don't have to start the naming and event services on the ARM device.
Now for running the GPP on the ARM device, you will have to create that node on the ARM device, since the Domain doesn't know about that device yet and cannnot access its filesystem. Page 16 of the 1.10 version of the Sub$100 document (http://ufpr.dl.sourceforge.net/project/redhawksdr/redhawk-doc/1.10.0/REDHAWK-Sub100-Manual-v1.10.0.pdf) has the instructions for installing the GPP.
Note that the newest version of the GPP is actually a C++ Device now, so the second step should be 'cd framework-GPP/cpp' and the third step should be 'git checkout 2.0.1'. Once that's installed, there are still a couple of more issues to take care of. First, run the following command:
$SDRROOT/dev/devices/GPP/cpp/devconfig.py --location $SDRROOT/dev/devices/GPP
That will configure your GPP to recognize that it is on an ARM platform (as long as your processor is an armv7l processor).
Next, run the following:
$SDRROOT/dev/devices/GPP/cpp/create_node.py --domainname <RH Domain Name>
That will actually create the DeviceManager profile that will contain your GPP.
The final step involves making sure that the node will be configured correctly. Check out Page 21, Steps 5. Basically you can remove the x86_64 implementation and replace any instances of 'x86' with an 'armv7l'.
As for your question about building your components, yes, you have to build them for the platform of interest and then install them to the Domain Manager SDRROOT. If you have a cross-compiler set up to build your components (and the framework), this will make your life a lot easier. However, if you don't, the workaround is to build the components on your ARM device, then install the XML files and the executable to the Domain. In order to make any components work with your ARM GPP, they will need to have an ARM implementation with a processor name that matches that of your GPP in their SPD.
I know that's a lot and I haven't run through these instructions in a while, so let me know if you have any questions or anything doesn't work.