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How to pass gnuradio-like tags in REDHAWK

I'm trying to replicate gnuradio-like tags in REDHAWK, SRI looks a bit promising but I'm not sure that I can achieve my goal with that tool.

I'll give a basic example, let's say that I have a component that detects that a certain signal starts at a position. This component doesn't do anything else but this. I'd like to pass this information onto the second component so that It can start working from that position forward.

Is there any way to mark the specific position in the bulkio stream and pass it to the next component?

gnuradio has tags, that can pass any userdata between computational components, and it's precise to the bit.


  • Have you tried using keywords? They are part of the SRI data structures and are a list of key value pairs. The key is a user defined string and the value is any standard type (double, string, int, etc). Here is how front end devices use them to pass along filter bandwidth and frequency information: