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Remove/add MessageHandlers at runtime

How can I add or remove message handlers at runtime? The following example does not work:

var logHandler = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.MessageHandlers.FirstOrDefault(a => a.GetType() == typeof(ApiLogHandler));

if (logHandler == null)
    GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.MessageHandlers.Add(new ApiLogHandler());

The message handler is added to the list, but it is not called in the the next requests...


  • I would inject a MessageHandler into the configuration at startup that is built specifically to have a dynamic list of inner message handlers, and change the interface they use from DelegatingHandler to a custom one, e.g.

    public interface ICustomMessageHandler 
        Task SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken);

    After this, you can create a standard MessageHandler that contains a list of inner handlers:

    public class DynamicMessageHandler : DelegatingHandler
        public List<ICustomMessageHandler> InnerHandlers { get; set; }
        public DynamicMessageHandler()
            InnerHandlers = new List<ICustomMessageHandler>();
        protected override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            foreach (var innerHandler in InnerHandlers)
                await innerHandler.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
            return await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);

    This way youshould be able to modify the list of InnerHandlers at runtime as long as you keep a single instance of DynamicMessageHandler around.