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WebAPI No action was found on the controller

I got an error - No action was found on the controller 'Action' that matches the request.

The url is http://localhost:37331/api/action/FindByModule/1.

The routing I used is

    name: "DefaultApi",
    routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
    defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }


public class ActionController : ApiController
    private IActionRepository repository = null;

    public IEnumerable<JsonAction> All()
        return from action in this.repository.Get()
               select new JsonAction
                   ID = action.ID,
                   Text = action.Text.Trim(),
                   Description = action.Description.Trim(),

    public IEnumerable<JsonAction> FindByModule(Int64 moduleId)
        return from action in this.repository.FindByModule(moduleId)
               select new JsonAction
                   ID = action.ID,
                   Text = action.Text.Trim(),
                   Description = action.Description.Trim(),


  • This is because there is a parameter name mismatch. From your route the value 1 is assigned to parameter named id and your action is looking for parameter named moduleId.

    First option is to change your route like this:

        name: "DefaultApi",
        routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{moduleId}",
        defaults: new { moduleId = RouteParameter.Optional }

    Second is to change your URL like this:


    So the parameter name match.