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$http get call with AngularJS my API is not working

I am creating a Web Application. I have created an API and when I try to make an http get call from angular, it fails. I know that my api works because I have already tested it on the browser and Postman (On Chrome). In addition, I know that my code is good because I tested it by changing the url to githubs's api (, and the response was successful. Can anyone can help me figure out why the calls to my API don't work if both return the same (a collection of JSon objects)?

        method: 'GET',
        url:'http://localhost:63473/api/posts' // my api
        //url: '' // github api
        .then(function (response) {

            // successful call
            angular.copy(, viewModel.posts);

        }, function (error) {

            // call to api failed
            viewModel.errorMessage = "Failed to load posts: " + error;


This is the response of my call from Postman

   "id": "6db78556-c4dc-4c7c-a969-db0d202f32fc",
   "text": "This is the second Post.",
   "postedOn": "2016-04-30T21:26:56.7886027-04:00"
   "id": "5c9d9e0b-0b23-4895-93ba-b86a36e03f84",
   "text": "Hello everyone, this is my first Post",
   "postedOn": "2016-04-30T21:26:56.7846017-04:00"


  • Are you running the API and the $http JS on the same URL? If they are not (even if the port is different), then you need to enable CORS on your API to allow cross domain requests.