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How to modify an in-memory document in eXist-db?

I would like to know how to modify an in-memory copy of original document stored in the DB. I am very happy with the update extension, which allows me to search/replace through text nodes and change them permanently. However, this behavior is not always what I want. There are some special occasions when I need to export the document with minor changes done on the fly. It does not seem eXist supports copy, which I would think about.

For permanent changes I use:

declare function cust-utils:replace-spaces-hard($document as xs:string) as empty() {
    let $doc := doc($document)/tei:TEI
    let $match := '(^|\s| )([szkvaiouSZKVAIOU])[\s]'
    for $i in (1 to 2)
        for $text in $doc//text()
            update value $text[matches(., $match)] with replace($text, $match, '$1$2 ')

(I iterate twice because it seems XPATH 2.0 does not allow to use look arounds in regexes and here matches are sometimes overlapping.)

How to do the same temporarily? I tried the interesting function from Datypic but it only returns particular nodes. I need to preserve the document order. Simply said, I need to go through a document tree, replace particular strings and return the document for latter usage as it is, without updating it in the DB.


Unfortunately, this:

declare function cust-utils:copy($input as item()*) as item()* {
    for $node in $input
    return $node

does absolutely the same as

declare function cust-utils:copy($input as item()*) as item()* {
for $node in $input
        case element()
              element { name($node) } {
                for $att in $node/@*
                      attribute { name($att) } { $att }
                (: output all the sub-elements of this element recursively :)
                for $child in $node
                   return cust-utils:copy($child/node())
        default return $node

… It seems it returns the document-node without real traversing.


  • eXist's XQuery Update extension writes all updates to the database and does not support in-memory operations. This in contrast to the W3C XQuery Update Facility 1.0+, which is not supported in eXist. Thus, in eXist, in-memory updates must be performed with pure XQuery, i.e., without the additional syntax and functionality of a formal Update facility.

    For in-memory updates with eXist, the traditional path is to perform an "identity transformation", typically using recursive typeswitch operations; see A simple example showing transformation of text nodes, while preserving document order, is:

    xquery version "3.0";
    declare function local:transform($nodes as node()*) {
        for $node in $nodes
            typeswitch ($node)
            case document-node() return 
            case element() return 
                element {node-name($node)} {
            case text() return 
                replace($node, '[a-z]+', upper-case($node))
            (: drop comment & processing-instruction nodes :)
            default return 
    let $node := 
        document {
            element root {
                comment { "sample document" },
                element x {
                    text { "hello" },
                    element y {
                        text { "there" }
                    text { "friend" }

    The result:

                <!-- sample document -->
                <x>hello <y>there</y> friend</x>
                <x>HELLO <y>THERE</y> FRIEND</x>

    An alternate approach is to use an in-memory update module, such as Ryan J. Dew's "XQuery XML Memory Operations" module, at If you clone the repository (or download the repository's .zip file and unzip it) and upload the folder to eXist's /db collection, the following code will work (adapted from this old exist-open post:

    xquery version "3.0";
    import module namespace mem="" 
        at "/db/XQuery-XML-Memory-Operations-master/memory-operations-pure-xquery.xqy";
    let $node := <x>hello</x>
    let $copy := mem:copy($node)
    let $rename := mem:rename($copy, $node, fn:QName("foo", "y"))
    let $replace-value := mem:replace-value($rename, $node, "world")

    The result:

    <y xmlns="foo">world</y>