I have a varchar column, and each field contains a single word, but there are random number of pipe character before and after the word.
Something like this:
When I query the table, I wish to replace the multiple pipes to a single one, so the result would be like this:
Cannot figure out how to solve it with REPLACE function, anybody knows?
vkp's method absolutely solves your issue. Another method that works, and also will work in a variety of other situations, is using a triple REPLACE()
SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE('|||Apple|||||', '|', '><'), '<>',''), '><','|')
This method will allow you to keep a delimiter between multiple strings where Mr. VPK's method will concat the strings and put a delim at the very beginning and the very end.
SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE('|||Apple|||||Banana||||||||||', '|', '><'), '<>',''), '><','|')