I'm trying to get random values out of an array and then break them down further, here's the initial code:
$in = array('foo_1|bar_1', 'foo_2|bar_2','foo_3|bar_3','foo_4|bar_4','foo_5|bar_5' );
$rand = array_rand($in, 3);
$in[$rand[0]]; //foo_1|bar_1
$in[$rand[1]]; //foo_3|bar_3
$in[$rand[2]]; //foo_5|bar_5
What I want is same as above but with each 'foo' and 'bar' individually accessible via their own key, something like this:
$in[$rand[0]][0] //foo_1
$in[$rand[0]][1] //bar_1
$in[$rand[1]][0] //foo_3
$in[$rand[1]][1] //bar_3
$in[$rand[2]][0] //foo_5
$in[$rand[2]][1] //bar_5
I've tried exploding $rand
via a foreach loop but I'm obviously making some n00b error:
foreach($rand as $r){
$result = explode("|", $r);
$array = $result;
Try this:
$in = array('foo_1|bar_1', 'foo_2|bar_2','foo_3|bar_3','foo_4|bar_4','foo_5|bar_5' );
foreach ($in as &$r) {
$r = explode("|", $r);
$rand = array_rand($in, 3);
That modifies all of the values of the $in
array by reference, so after the loop, all strings have been split into two subarray elements.
Now, use the indexed results of the$rand
array to access three of the rows from the mutated $in
$in[$rand[0]][0] //foo_1
$in[$rand[0]][1] //bar_1
$in[$rand[1]][0] //foo_3
$in[$rand[1]][1] //bar_3
$in[$rand[2]][0] //foo_5
$in[$rand[2]][1] //bar_5