I am currently making a tower defence game.
Simply put it works like this: green circles (enemies) move across the screen. By clicking, you can place a tower. The enemy has a rectangle hidden underneath it, and the tower has a large opaque rectangle around it indicating its hit range. If they are colliding, the enemy starts to lose health, until it dies.
Before, I used this test to see if the enemy was within range of the tower:
for(int i=0;i<enemy.length; i++) //Runs for the total amount of enemies
for(int j=0; j<boxes.length;j++) //Runs for the total amount of towers placed
if(enemy[i].getEBox().intersects(boxes[j])) //boxes[j] is the towers' range box
However, I would like the towers to only be able to shoot one enemy at a time, most preferably the enemy at the front. To do this I need java to detect that there are multiple enemies colliding with the rectangle and only damage the front enemy.
Here is the test I ran to do this (The enemies array value go backwards so the first one to appear is enemy[0] and the last enemy[10] for example):
for(int i=1;i<enemy.length; i++)
for(int j=0; j<boxes.length;j++)
however, the second condition always returns a positive. How can I change my if statement to conduct a successful test?
To make a tower only shoot at one enemy, flip the loops and break the inner loop when shooting starts.
for(int j=0; j<boxes.length;j++) //Runs for the total amount of towers placed
for(int i=0;i<enemy.length; i++) //Runs for the total amount of enemies
if(enemy[i].getEBox().intersects(boxes[j])) //boxes[j] is the towers' range box
break; // skip remaining enemies, since towers has used
// up it's shooting capability for this round
If a tower can prioritize which enemy to shoot at, loop through all the enemies to find the best candidate, then shoot at it.
for (int j=0; j<boxes.length; j++) //Runs for the total amount of towers placed
int enemyToShootIdx = -1;
for (int i=0; i<enemy.length; i++) //Runs for the total amount of enemies
if (enemy[i].getEBox().intersects(boxes[j])) //boxes[j] is the towers' range box
if (enemyToShootIdx == -1 || betterCandidate(boxes[j], enemy[i], enemy[enemyToShootIdx]))
enemyToShootIdx = i;
if (enemyToShootIdx != -1)
Now you just have to implement the betterCandidate()