I am newbie in cocos2d-x.I want to know the execution flow.After searching many websites and forums,still I am unable to understand that from where actual execution starts.
All the classes are in the Classes directory of the project.
In the AppDelegate class you define the initial scene of the game through a Director instance. For example:
// create a scene. it's an autorelease object
auto scene = MainMenuScene::createScene();
// run
Then in the init function of each Scene you can add a callback to allow calling a function when an event happens. For example:
auto playItem = MenuItemImage::create("MainMenuScreen/Play_Button.png", "MainMenuScreen/Play_Button.png", CC_CALLBACK_1(MainMenuScene::GoToGameScene, this));
Then in a particular event of each scene you can move to another scene through the Director singleton. For example.
auto scene = GameScene::createScene();
You can find example source code at this link.