I am using the WebDriver module in Codeception acceptance tests.
In a test I need to create a list of nodes (web elements) from a web page and click each node in a foreach
loop. Nodes are main navigation menu items. See screen shot.
I've tried to use a built-in method called grabMultiple("//nav[@class='nav-container']/ul/li/a")
but it returns a list of names ("Ready to Wear", etc.) and the click
method can't click such elements of this list.
Is there any way in Codeception to create a list of nodes which are clickable?
When I use following code:
$itemsOfMainNav = $I->grabMultiple("//nav[@class='nav-container']/ul/li/a");
foreach($itemsOfMainNav as $item){
I'm getting error:
1) Failed to check main categories are reachable in 101_CategoryFlowCept (tests\acceptance\101_CategoryFlowCept.php)
Step I click "READY TO WEAR" Fail Link or Button or CSS or XPath element with 'READY TO WEAR' was not found.
Scenario Steps:
After suggestion of Naktibalda I've created following code and it works for me:
$mainNavLinks = $I->grabMultiple("//nav[@class='nav-container']/ul/li/a", 'href');
foreach ($mainNavLinks as $link) {