I am using EvoPDF - I get the required info from a webpage and add it to a pdf document like this:
HtmlToPdfElement html = new HtmlToPdfElement(0, yLocation, onlinePress[i].HyperLink);
// Optionally set a delay before conversion to allow asynchronous scripts to finish
html.ConversionDelay = 2;
// Add the first HTML to PDF document
AddElementResult firstAddResult = page.AddElement(html);
What I would like to do, before adding it to the PDF is edit some of the HTML. e.g. maybe wrap an inline style around a certain keyword for example.
I cannot figure out how to get the HTML from the above calls. Does anyone know hot to get the HTML?
The answer to this it NO - although I don't know why - @EvoPdf, it would be such a useful addition to your product - it turns out that getting HTML from a dynamic web page is a real pain the backside, yet you seem to be able to do it flawlessly - please allow users access to the HTML that you use to create the PDF document.