Unfortunately the EvoPdf docu doesn't give a statement if emojis are supported in Html -> Pdf conversion.
I've tried:
var html = "<html><body>123ðŸ˜ðŸ˜°ðŸ¥°</body></html>";
var htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();
var fileName = $@"c:\temp\emojies\test_{DateTime.Now:HHMMddhhmmss}.pdf";
htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertHtmlToFile(html, null, fileName);
The resulting pdf just contains "123" and nothing more (no ? for unsupported characters).
Can anyone confirm that EvoPdf doesn't support emojis in pdf conversion?
What bits are relevant for emoji support in this context? Is it the used font-type, the used encoding or something else?
The NE (New Edition) version you can download from https://www.evopdf.com/download.aspx supports the emojis from your example.