As part of a lecture series on verilog HDL for FPGA programming I have been given this piece of code to create a signed 8-bit greater-than comparator. I have simulated this in xillinx ISE and it shows that the syntax is correct. However I do not understand the begin:comparison
line. I understand that in the procedural @always(*)
block a begin and end statement is needed, however, in this case when the :comparison
is removed the module no longer compiles.
My best guess would be that the :comparison
is referring to the sgt = intA > int B;
line however I cant understand why or find much information about begin and end statements in that form.
module sgtc(input [7:0] a,b, output reg sgt);
always@(*) begin:comparison
integer intA, intB;
intA = a;
intB = b;
sgt = intA > intB;
is just the name of the block. The author of the code could have called it anything legal. However, in Verilog, you had to name a block if you wanted to declare a variable inside it, which is exactly what you are doing:
integer intA, intB;
So, when you removed the name, this becomes illegal Verilog, which is why it won't compile (in a Verilog-only compiler).
The restriction of having to name a block if you declare a variable inside it is lifted in System-Verilog. So, if you use a compiler that understands this aspect of System-Verilog, then it will compile.