Search code examples

DB2 return first match

In DB2 for i (a.k.a. DB2/400) at V6R1, I want to write a SQL SELECT statement that returns some columns from a header record and some columns from ONLY ONE of the matching detail records. It can be ANY of the matching records, but I only want info from ONE of them. I am able to accomplish this with the following query below, but I'm thinking that there has to be an easier way than using a WITH clause. I'll use it if I need it, but I keep thinking, "There must be an easier way". Essentially, I'm just returning the firstName and lastName from the Person table ... plus ONE of the matching email-addresses from the PersonEmail table.


    with theMinimumOnes as (
    select personId,
           min(emailType) as emailType  
      from PersonEmail
     group by personId
    select p.personId,
      from Person p
      left outer join theMinimumOnes tmo
        on tmo.personId = p.personId
      left outer join PersonEmail pe
        on pe.personId = tmo.personId
       and pe.emailType  = tmo.emailType

    PERSONID   FIRSTNAME                       LASTNAME                        EMAILADDRESS
           1   Bill                            Ward                            [email protected] 
           2   Tony                            Iommi                           [email protected] 
           3   Geezer                          Butler                          [email protected] 
           4   John                            Osbourne                        -           


  • This sounds like a job for row_number():

    select p.personId, p.firstName, p.lastName, pe.emailAddress
    from Person p left outer join
         (select pe.*,
                 row_number() over (partition by personId order by personId) as seqnum
          from PersonEmail pe
         ) pe
         on pe.personId = tmo.personId and seqnum = 1;