Here's my string seperated by commas (,)
$myStr = "One, Two,Three, Four , Five ,Six "
I am able successfully explode it {assign var="options" value=","|explode:$myStr}
But I also would like to remove whitespace at the beginning or end from each string when outputting it. In other words: I am looking for a SMARTY function equivalent to PHP's built-in trim($mystr)
function. PHP trim will remove the start and end white-spaces if it present, otherwise return the actual string.
{section name=myname loop=$options}
The code above would output:
One Two Three [whitespace]Four[whitespace] [whitespace]Five[whitespace] Six[whitespace]
How can I trim whitespaces?
There is {strip}{/strip} in smarty. Whitespaces will be removed between theese tags.
would remove last character in your case the whitespace. {$var|substr:1}
would remove the first character from string.
all php-functions can be used as modifiers implicitly (more below) and modifiers can be combined
from docs {$var|trim}
in smarty is equal to trim($var)
in php.
There is another way. Using {php}{/php}
tags in in smarty to able to use php built-in trim()
function, but that makes no sense to me. Why would you even want to put smarty variable back to php if it was included by php? Nonsense.