Does anyone know if you can use object destructuring with spaces in the property name? Maybe this cannot be done and I realize the JavaScript notation is incorrect but I cannot change the server json response.
var obj1 = {name: 'Mr Smith', age: 21};
var {name, age} = obj1;
//name='Mr Smith' and age=21
This works as expected.
But when I have the following object structure can I use object destructuring or not?
var obj2 = {"my name": "Mr Jones", age: 22};
var {'my name', age} = obj2;
If this is not possible It would be nice if I could assign the variable with some sort of syntax like 'as'...
var {'my name' as name, age} = obj2; //name='Mr Jones';
You can assign it a valid variable name using this syntax:
var {"my name": myName, age} = obj2;
// use myName here