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How to control legend symbols in Apache ECharts StackChart?

I have React App where I utilize a few StackChart charts created with Apache's echarts library (at version 5.5.0)

// package.json

  "name": "client",
  "private": true,
  "version": "0.0.0",
  // ...
  "dependencies": {
    "echarts": "^5.5.0",
    // other deps...


According to the docs "ECharts will automatically detect it via backgroundColor by default and adjust the text color accordingly" (, i'm not relying on that as my app keeps track of theme/dimensions using hooks.

The chart config options are as follows:

 const options: EChartsOption = {
      darkMode: isThemeDark,
      color: ["#E95793", "#EA0C81", "#940B92", "#3623CA", "#610C9F", "#ee0793", "#be438a"],
      grid: {
        containLabel: true,
        left: "3%",
        right: "5%",
        bottom: "3%",
        ...(breakpoint === Breakpoint.Mobile && legendData.length > 2 && { top: 100 }),
      xAxis: [
          type: "category",
          data: xAxisData,
          axisLabel: {
            color: isThemeDark ? "#ccc" : "#444",
      yAxis: [
          type: "value",
          axisLabel: {
            color: isThemeDark ? "#ccc" : "#444",
      legend: {
        data: legendData,
        textStyle: {
          color: isThemeDark ? "#ccc" : "#444",
        itemStyle: {
           // ...I see options like "color", "borderColor", "borderWidth", "opacity"...
           // but none of them seem to affect the insides of legend items...
      series: Object.keys(data).map((k, i) => ({
        name: legendData[i],
        type: "line",
        stack: "Total",
        emphasis: {
          focus: "series",
        data: Object.values(data[k]).map((obj) => obj.value),

I already read the docs for legends and tried to play around with options.legend.itemStyle, but couldn't find a way to control the appearance of legends.

That said, here I ask: Is there a way to control legend symbols in Apache ECharts?


  • Checking the docs I realized that options.series can take a symbol property, which does exactly what I needed!

    I learned it by checking the following example:

     series: Object.keys(data).map((k, i) => ({
        name: legendData[i],
        type: "line",
        symbol: "circle", // "roundRect" | "rect" | "triangle"| "arrow"| "pin" | "diamond"
        symbolSize: 6,
        // ...